Packing a Better Lunch | Best Mattress | Las Vegas & St. George, Utah
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Packing a Better Lunch

Tips for Packing a Better Lunch

It’s that time of year again. School has started and you are running around trying to organize and help your kids the best you can. Homework is starting. Activities are starting. Figuring out school lunches is starting. It is all piling up. Packing your child’s lunch can get a little daunting when you are doing it day after day. Not to mention if you have multiple lunches to pack, especially if you are doing it 5 days a week. Here are some tips that we would like to share that may make packing those lunches every morning a little easier.

Mix and Match

Part of why packing a lunch can be so hard at time is because you have to have food items on hand, every day, that your children will like. We all know that healthy items are the best choice but sometimes when you are running out the door a fast option is the easiest.  So we grab what we can and hope for the best. We had an idea that mixing and matching different foods might help with this. Start by rotating foods from your weekly or monthly shopping list of 5 basic food categories that you and your kids have agreed upon. This will also help with them not getting as bored with their lunch and they will be excited about it, thus encouraging them to actually eat their lunch. Mix and Match any of the following or add your own options for a healthy lunch you can feel good about giving them:


Sliced chicken breast

Cheese chunks

Mixed seeds and nuts


Plain yogurt

Peanut butter



Pita bread

Mini bagels










Baby carrots


Cherry tomatoes

Celery sticks


Dark chocolate-covered raisins


Oatmeal raisin cookies

Sweet potato fries

Graham crackers


Apple sauce

Wheat bread

Prepare the Night Before

When packing your child’s lunch try preparing a few nights or the night before. It takes a little extra time up front and a little extra planning, but you won’t regret it. Here are some tips when preparing food before the school day:


  • Start with the freshest food possible. Time your grocery shopping with your lunch prep and packing day.
  • Keep foods from touching each other. Get containers that have separate compartments. If you can keep the different foods from touching each other, then they will all stay fresh for a lot longer.
  • Don’t pack wet food. Don’t pack anything that will get soggy or veggies or fruit with high water content. If you want to include those foods do it the day you are sending that lunch with your child.
  • Keep in airtight containers. Food will stay fresher longer and crunchy foods such as crackers and pretzels will stay crunchy if kept in airtight containers.


A little preparation and organization can go a long way. That includes with your child’s school lunches. It will help. Trust us!

Let Them Help

Your kids love to help you, despite how they might act when you ask them to clean their room. When given the opportunity to pick out foods for their lunch they may surprise you and pick out healthier options. If you let them prepare some of the food that they get to take to school what them as they actually get excited about it. Make sure while letting them prepare food that you provide the correct supervision, especially with the younger ones.

When implementing these helpful tips packing school lunches may just actually become one of the chores that you enjoy. Your kids will appreciate your effort and will enjoy spending the time with you. Not to mention they will have a delicious, healthy lunch that they will enjoy. Best Mattress wants your children to have healthy lunches as we too are parents and wish the same for our kids. Good luck with the new school year!